안녕하세요. 서울에 있는 헤드헌팅그룹 커리어케어 www.careercare.co.kr 의료제약팀 송현순입니다. 다음과 같은 포지션에 관심있는 분은 연락주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
Open Position : 다국적제약기업 아시아지역 R&D Project Leader(Manager)
[Job Description]
Lead with drug discovery experience to join a dynamic R&D unit dedicated to the discovery and development of therapeutics in Asia.
Develop long term cancer discovery strategies across Asia region.
Lead multiple discovery collaborations in biologics or small molecule drugs
Develop broad ranging relationship with key external researchers
Be given a chance to propose and evaluate new drug targets and opportunities to make a change.
Identify external opportunities for collaboration and/or in-licensing (virtual biotech model)
Academic background : Ph.D. or MD in life science related fields with preferably with industry research experience in drug discovery.
Experience : in leading a first-in-class drug discovery project
Research background : in oncology, target search & validation or translational research
Experience : using bioinformatics tools track record in working collaboratively with academia or biotech
English : Fluency
[Guide for Applicants]
전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 -> 2차 면접전형
제출서류 : 영문 이력서 (경력중심)
(각종 증빙서류는 최종합격자에 한해 추후제출)
접수방법 : 이메일: jhsong@careercare.co.kr 커리어케어 송현순
[Contact Information]
마감일 : 채용 시 까지
채용담당 : 커리어케어 송현순 이사
Tel :02)2286-3860 / Mobile : 010-4742-5209 / Fax :02)6008-3980
Homepage : http://www.careercare.co.kr
E-mail (Company): jhsong@careercare.co.kr
주소 : 서울 강남구 삼성동 154-8 C&H빌딩 6층