CHA Medical·Bio Group R&D Sector Executive/Ph.D. Level Open Recruitment

  • May 22, 2024 1:04 AM
    Message # 13360104

    ▶ Job description

    Head of Stem Cell Research, Head of Organoid Research, Head of AI Research (Bio/Healthcare), Head of Genomic Research

    ▶ Job Summary

    A global network of 91 institutions in 7 countries, we are recruiting global talent to lead K-Bio and healthcare.

    ▶ Discipline

    Clinical(임상)/ Bioinformatics, Analysis & Statistics(생물정보학 분석, 통계)/ Data Management(데이터관리)/ Preclinical Development(전임상 개발)/ Clinical Research(임상 연구)/ Drug discovery & development(신약개발)/ Clinical Trials(임상시험)/ Medical(의료)/ Pharmacokinetics(약물동태학)/ Programming(프로그래밍)/ Quality(품질)/ Research(연구)/ Other(그 외)

    ▶ Qualification

    Master's degree or higher in a related field, Ph.D. preferred

    ▶ Job Type

    Bioinformatician/ Health Professional/ Researcher

    (생물정보학/ 의료전문가/ 연구원)

    ▶ Position Type

    Contract to Hire

    ▶ Location 

    South Korea (KR)

    ▶ How you will receive applications? (Apply on Site)

     2024.05.21 00:00 ~ 2024. 6. 9 23:59 (KST)

    1 file
    Last modified: June 04, 2024 4:23 AM | Anonymous member
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