
  • April 11, 2019 9:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We would like to invite you to the 2019 KASBP Spring Symposium! The early bird registration is until April 30th.  More detailed information about the symposium will be updated at our website ( and by email.

    • Date: MAY 31, Friday – June 1, Saturday, 2019
    • Location: Sheraton Edison Hotel Raritan Center – 125 Raritan Center Pkwy, Edison, NJ 08837
    • Registration Link:
    • Speaker Information: TBA

    Job Fair, Poster Presentation and Fellowship Awards will be held as well and the regarding information will be announced soon.

    Last but not least, KASBP has changed the contact information permanently, so please refer to the following emails and direct your questions accordingly.

    Please do not hesitate to email us with any questions you might have.


    2019 KASBP Spring Organizing Committee 

    안녕하세요, KASBP 회원 여러분,

    드디어 2019 심포지엄이 다가왔습니다. 여러분 모두를 초대합니다! 조기 등록이 4/30까지 진행되오니 서둘러 주세요. 이번 심포지엄에 대해서 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 저희 웹사이트 ( 가셔서 확인하셔도 좋고, 아니면 저희에게 이메일을 주시기 바랍니다. 심포지엄 날짜와 장소는 아래와 같습니다


    • 날짜: 2019 5/31 () - 6/1 ()
    • 장소: Sheraton Edison Hotel Raritan Center – 125 Raritan Center Pkwy, Edison, NJ 08837
    • 등록 링크: 여기로 가세요 (

    밖에 연사에 대한 사항은 현재 진행형입니다. 확정되는 대로 저희 웹사이트와 이메일을 통해 정보를 공유하겠습니다.

    그리고 외에도 취업 박람회와 포스터 발표, Fellowship Awards 저희 심포지엄과 함께 진행됩니다. 여기에 대한 자세한 내용도 알려드리겠습니다.

    마지막으로, 아래의 저희 연락처를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. 저희의 연락처가 바뀌었습니다

    혹시 질문있으시면 서슴치 마시고 저희에게 말씀해 주십시오. 감사합니다! 심포지엄에서 뵙겠습니다

    2019 KASBP 심포지엄 조직위원회 올림

  • April 05, 2019 9:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hotel reservation 

    a. Reservation is accepted and confirmed upon payment online. Hotel fees are only refundable until Oct 25th, 2024.

    b.  숙박관련 비용은 2024년 10월 25일까지만 환불 가능합니다.

    Event Registration

    a. Membership fee and Symposium registration fee are non-refundable.

    b. 멤버쉽 비용과 심포지엄 등록비는 환불 불가능합니다.

  • March 14, 2019 9:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2019년 KASBP 봄 Symsposium이 New Jersey 에서 5월 31(금) 그리고 6월 1일 양일간에 걸쳐 열릴 예정입니다. 장소는 New Jesersey 에 있는 Sheraton Edison Hotel Raritan Center (125 Raritan Pkwy, Edison, NJ 08837). 이번 행사에 많은 참여 바랍니다.

    I am happy to announce that 2019 KASBP Spring Symposium will be held at Sheraton Edison Hotel Raritan Center (125 Raritan Center Pkwy, Edison, NJ 08837) from May 31 to June 1. Pleae mark your calendar and save the date!

    김승빈 (Sean Kim)

    President, KASBP

  • March 14, 2019 9:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear KSEA New York Metropolitan Chapter Members,

    We would like to invite all of you to the 28th Northeast Regional Conference (NRC) at Montclair State University on March 23, 2019, jointly organized by New York Metropolitan, New Jersey and Philadelphia Chapters of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA). The NRC 2019 collaborates with KSEA affiliated professional societies (APS) including KASBP, KITEE, KWiSE, NYKB, and PKSA. 

    The Theme of NRC 2019 is "Diversity and Integration of Science and Technology" and its goal is to promote the spirit of service in pursuing technical excellence by exemplifying those who have led such a life of service. The objective of this conference is to provide a forum in which scientists and engineers in major areas present their research findings and share ideas.

    We are hoping that the NRC 2019 will also contribute greatly to the advancement of research and development in both US and Korea. In addition, the NRC 2019 will provide an opportunity for women and young generation professionals in science and engineering to establish professional networks, as well as to explore career opportunities. On behalf of the NRC organizing committees, we express sincere gratitude to all the distinguished guests and KSEA NY, NJ and PA members for their participation in NRC 2019.

    Please register your participation at NRC 2019 website below.

    We are looking forward to seeing you in the NRC 2019.


    Ohbong Kwon

    NRC 2019 Co-Chair

  • September 27, 2018 12:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 2018 KASBP Fall Symposium (Dedham, MA | October 26-27, 2018) will offer a Job Fair of full-service interviewing facility (private) for qualified sponsors and career-seekers during the Symposium. Job postings from participating companies will be uploaded on the KASBP homepage (TAB of 2018 Fall Job Fair) as available. Please read the instruction carefully before you submit your information.


    • ·       Applicants to KASBP Job Fair must register for the Symposium. No additional fees are required.

    Application Process:

    • ·       Pre-registration (optional): Pre-registration page is available now and please provide your information if you wish to receive a notification when the main application webpage is ready.
    • ·       Main application (required): Here is the webpage where applicants provide all information and related documents. The main application page for Job Fair does not receive your application yet. The webpage will be opened as soon as participating companies are arranged.
    • ·       All application will be collected via main application page prepared by Google Form. You are REQUIRED to log in to your Google account in order to submit your resume and/or additional documents.

    After You Submit Your Application:

    • ·       Your information and resume/application will be forwarded to the participating companies in which you are interested and you selected.
    • ·       Upon receiving feedback from the participating companies, the selected applicants will be contacted to arrange interviews during the Symposium.

    Application Due Date:

    • ·       The due date and time for the application is 5:00 PM EDT, Wednesday, October 17, 2018. After that, main application page will be closed and will not receive additional applications.

    Interview Time & Location:

    • ·       Date and time for interview will be pre-arranged in 2:00-5:00 PM on October 26 (Friday), and 27 (Saturday) if needed. The interview will be held at Hilton Boston Dedham (KASBP Symposium location) and the room information will be notified to the applicants separately.


  • September 26, 2018 8:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    For KASBP Fellowship Award

    in 2018 KASBP Fall Symposium

    Dear Young Scholars,

    The Korean American Society in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals (KASBP) announces the 2018 KASBP Fall Symposium, to be held at Hilton Boston Dedham, 25 Allied Dr., Dedham, MA 02026, on October 26-27, 2018, sponsored by KASBP, KUSCO, KSEA, Daewoong, LG Chem and more. 

    The symposium will provide a great opportunity for members to establish professional networks in order to share information and experiences in pursuit of excellence in R & D.  During the symposium, we also would like to uncover excellent young scientists, recognizing their achievements in biotech and pharmaceutical research.  

    One of the highlights of the symposium will be the fellowship awards for young scholars, graduate students and post-docs who excel in research. Therefore, KASBP cordially invites all young scholars to apply for the fellowship awards in the 2018 KASBP Fall Symposium according to the following:

    Invited Area:

    Medical science, Biological & Pharmaceutical science, Organic/Medicinal chemistry, and/or areas related to drug discovery and development

    Submission Requirements:

    • 1.        Applicant must register for the Symposium.
    • 2.       Prospective authors should submit an Abstract (including author’s name, affiliation(s), postal and e-mail address, as well as telephone number) and CV with your publication list.
    • 3.       Awardees should give a poster presentation (and a brief oral presentation) on Oct 27 (Saturday), 2018. Please indicate whether authors would like to give a poster presentation regardless of award. All authors giving a poster presentation would receive a partial financial support, though not selected as awardees. 
    • o   Due date:            October 8, 2018
    • o   Format:                Abstract and CV including publication list with full authors (in WORD)
    • o   Typeface:             Times New Roman, font size 11 or 12 points

    o   Send to:               Hyun-Hee LEE, PhD (KASBP Fellowship Committee Chair)


            Tel. 857-366-0941

    *Award winners will be notified by October 16, 2018.

    Sean Kim, PhD

    The 15th KASBP President

    Hyun-Hee LEE, PhD

    KASBP Fellowship Committee Chair

    Call for papers Fall 2018.pdf

  • September 11, 2018 9:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    2018 Fall Symposium 등록이 시작 되었습니다. Early bird discount 이 10월12일까지 이니 참조하시기 바랍니다. 등록은 Event Registration 을 들어가시거나 아니면 2018  Fall Symposium banner를 누르시면 연결됩니다.

  • July 23, 2018 2:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    존경하는 KASBP 회원, 임원 후원사 여러분,

    Dear fellow members, officers and sponsors of KASBP:

    지금까지 회장으로 수고해 주셨던 최윤 박사님의 뒤를 이어, 이번 7월부터 재미한인제약인협회 (Korea-American Society in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals, “KASBP”) 15 회장으로서 임기를 시작한 김승빈 입니다. 최윤 박사님의 퇴임사와 동시에 바로 여러분께 인사 올렸어야 했는데 인사가 조금 늦어진 , 여러분의 너그러운 양해를 부탁드립니다.

    Greetings from Sean Seungbin KIM, the 15th President of KASBP since July 1, 2018, following Yun H. Choe, the 14th President of KASBP.  Please pardon for the delayed greetings, as it should have been delivered to you right after Dr. Choe’s note.

    여러분도 이미 아시다시피 저희 재미한인제약인협회는 17여년 전에 설립되어 지금까지 양적으로, 그리고 질적으로 많은 발전을 거듭해 왔습니다. 처음 뉴저지에서 제약 바이오 산업에 종사하는 몇몇 선배님들이 한국 제약전문가의 모임에 대한 필요성을 느껴 저희 협회를 창설하셨을 때에는 아마 재미한인제약인협회가 이정도로 성장할 것이라고는 상상하지 못하셨을 것입니다. 그러나 그동안 과거 회장들을 비롯한 많은 분들이 각자의 바쁘고 고된 삶에도 불구하고 미국과 한국의 제약 바이오 산업의 발전에 대한 꿈을 잊지 않고 헌신하셨기에 지금의 저희가 존재할 있었습니다. 이자리를 빌어 모든 선배님들 특히 임원들께 깊은 감사의 말씀을 올립니다. 그리고 이렇게 훌륭한 모임을 더욱더 훌륭하게 만들어야 하는 책임이 저희 새로운 임원들의 어깨에 이제 지워졌습니다.

    As you are well aware of, KASBP has begun its journey about 17 years ago and continued to grow in quality and quantity.  When it was started by few initial members working in Pharmaceutical industries in New Jersey, because of the need for an association of Korean-American Pharmaceutical professionals, no one could have imagined that KASBP would grow up as of today.  However, because of the dedication and commitment of the previous presidents and other members among their busy lives, today’s KASBP became possible.  The volunteers of KASBP dreamed of the advance of bio and pharmaceutical industry in US and Korea to continue their hard work.  Taking this opportunity, we would like to thank all of the volunteers and sponsors.  Now, we feel a heavy burden on our shoulder to make this great association into greater one.

    현재 재미한인제약인협회는 본부와 더불어 뉴저지, 필라델피아, 워싱턴DC, 코네티컷, 샌프란시스코, 보스턴, 그리고 얼마전에 창립식을 가진 일리노이 지부 일곱개의 지부에서 제약회사 바이오 , 학계 연구소, 그리고 미국 정부기관에 근무하는 1,200 여명 이상의 회원들로 이루어져 있습니다. 여러분도 익히 아시다시피 저희는 매년 두번의 심포지엄을 봄과 가을에 걸쳐 개최하여 미국과 한국의 전문가들의 사이에 원할한 정보 소통과 인간적 교류를 촉진할 있는 환경을 조성하고 있으며, 동시에 이러한 공식 행사외에도 한국의 여러 정부 민간 기관들과의 협력을 통해 저희 조국 대한민국의 생명과학산업 발전에 직접적으로 이바지하고 있습니다. 또한 저희는 젊은 세대의 양육의 책임과 사명을 자각하고 있기에 저희 협회 내에 학생 젊은 연구자들의 모임과mentor-mentee 관계를 통한 기성세대와의 상호교류를 장려하여 세대를 거듭할 수록 더욱더 성장할 있는 발판을 마련하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

    As of today, KASBP has 8 offices including Headquarter in New Jersey and 7 chapters in Boston (KASBP-Boston), Connecticut (KASBP-CT), New Jersey (KASBP-NJ), Philadelphia (KASBP-Phila), Washington DC (KASBP-DC), Illinois (KASBP-IL), and San Francisco (KASBP-SF), with about 1,200 members spread in pharmaceutical and biotech industry and research organizations, government institutes, and academia.  We host two symposiums annually in Spring and Fall to facilitate the networking of the scientists and professionals in these industry from Korea and US.  In addition, we also continue to collaborate with Korean government funded agencies and other private organizations to contribute to the development of life science industry in Korea.  Furthermore, we feel the obligation to nurture the next generation professions in this industry returning the favor to the society.   We not only promote the relationships among the younger and older members through Mentor-Mentee program and through various other local meetings and events, but also support several student and early career professionals organizations to prepare the future leadership for the community.

    참으로 이미 놀라운 성과가 아닙니까? 모든 것들이 가능했던 까닭은 바로 이글을 읽고 계시는 여러분들의 헌신과 관심이 있었기 때문입니다. 여러분의 열정이 거대한 배를 움직이는 동력원이라면, 저희 임원들은 배의 방향을 올바르게 잡는 키입니다. 저희 임원들은 새임기를 맞아 재미한인제약인협회에 속한 모든 회원들이, 여러분들이, 저희 협회와 더불어 성장하고 발전할 있도록 많은 것들을 계획하고 계획한 바를 이루도록 불철주야 노력하겠습니다. 그러나 동시에 잊지 말아 주십시오. 재미한인제약인협회의 주인은 바로 여러분입니다. 저희와 함께 주십시오.

    Isn’t this an amazing achievement?  It was all possible only because of all of your encouragement and support.  While your passion is the power of the engine, the officers are steering the wheels of KASBP.  The new administration including myself and the officers would like to plan and carry out projects and our goal is to grow and benefit all of the members and the community through KASBP.  Please do not forget that you are the owner of KASBP and please come to work with us.

    현재 저와 임원들은 새로운 임기에 있을 여러가지 행사와 활동을 계획하고 있는 중입니다. 일환으로 우선1026-27 양일에 걸쳐 보스턴 지역에서 가을 심포지엄을 개최함을 알려드립니다. 여기에 관해 자세한 계획이 정해지는 데로 여러분들께 소식을 전하며 다시금 인사드리도록 하겠습니다. 앞으로도 저희 재미한인제약인협회에 많은 성원과 관심 부탁드리며 뜨거운 여름 가정에서 일터에서 그리고 다른 모든 곳에서 건강하시고 보람된 시간 보내시길 바랍니다. 두서없었던 긴글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

    We are planning various events for the new fiscal year.  Especially, the first event would be 2018 KASBP Fall Symposium which will be held in Boston on October 26-27, 2018.  The details of the symposium will follow.  Once again, thank you for your support and wish you all have a safe and great summer.

    Thank you.


    KASBP 15 회장 김승빈 올림

    The 15th President of KASBP

    Sean Seungbin KIM, Ph.D.

  • July 16, 2018 10:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It is our great pleasure to announce the 2018 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2018). UKC 2018 will be held from Wednesday, August 1 to Saturday, August 4, 2018 in St. John’s University Conference Center in Queens, New York City, New York, United States. UKC 2018 is hosted by three prestigious organizations – the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies (KOFST), and Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO).

    UKC 2018 provides valuable opportunities for cooperation between the USA and Korea. The theme of  UKC 2018 is “Leading Discoveries in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.”  The program includes symposiums, forums and workshops to cover broad areas of science and technology, including but not limited to basic science, applied science, engineering, technology, entrepreneurship, and science policy. The three pillars of the UKC 2018 program are: 1) Digital Technologies/Artificial Intelligence (AI); 2) Biomedicine; 3) Robotics/Autonomous Systems.

    We are embracing Affiliated Professional Societies (APS) in the Symposiums. The Technical Groups (TG) leaders will lead the symposium and collaborate with related APSs.  All Symposiums will embrace industry professionals as well as teaching focused submission from teaching universities. Young Generation Integration to the main UKC program will include separate forums for young professionals and the young generation.

    An initiative will seek sponsorship from the US companies with effort led by industry professionals.  Lastly, a 3-day Public Program invites the Korean communities and the general public into UKC 2018.

    All of these excellent programs could not have been developed without a group of strong, dedicated leaders with servants’ hearts. Our sincere thanks go to the members of the Executive Committee, Program Committee including Symposium Chairs and Co-Chairs, the Local Arrangement Committee, Sponsor Program Committee, and the IT and Website Committee.

    We welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you at UKC 2018!




  • June 27, 2018 6:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    . 글로벌 의약품 수출상담회(GBPP 2018) 개요

      ㅇ 일시/장소: '18.9.13(목) 9:00-18:00 / 인천 송도컨벤시아 프리미어볼룸 C

      ㅇ 내용: 1:1 수출상담회            

          * 동 상담회는「2018 바이오 인천 포럼」과 연계개최 예정

      ㅇ 분야: 의약품, 바이오 분야 (의료기기는 금년 3월 수출상담회 기 개최로 유치대상에서 제외)

      ㅇ 규모: 해외바이어 50개사, 국내기업 100개사

       ㅇ 프로그램 (9.13일)




     9:30 - 10:00


    프리미어볼룸 A,B

    10:00 - 18:00

    1:1 수출상담회

    프리미어볼룸 C


    바이어 인센티브

       ① 항공임 지원

           - (이코노미 항공료의  50% 지원로 MAX. $1,100까지 지원. 예. 항공료가 $2,000이면 $1,000 지원드림)           

        숙박비 지원 : 1개사 1 원칙최대 2 지원(9.12~9.14)

             * 숙소 : 쉐라톤 그랜드 인천 호텔


     Invitation to Bio-Pharma Sourcing Events (GBPP 2018) 

    On behalf of  Incheon City and Kotra HQ, the GBPP Organizer,  it is our privilege to invite you to the fall business matchmaking events that focus on Bio and Pharma items.  It is our goal to invite world-leading companies to the following events in order to forge stronger bonds between Korean companies and global buyers like you.  Each event will present superb opportunities for all attendees to meet new business partners.  We will arrange the meeting with Korean companies you want to meet at the Event.  Also please refer to below incentives which Incheon City  & KOTRA serve for your convenience.


     Event: GLOBAL BIO & PHARMA PLAZA 2018

       Date : 9.13, 2018

     Venue:  Song-do Convensia (Premier Ballroom C)

     Products: Bio & Pharma related items


    **• Support for buyers attending GBPP 2018:

    -If Kotra HQ approves your attendance, Kotra provides *

    1) Airfare (50% Economy class only upto $1,100.  Ex. Airfare $2,000-àreimburse $1,000)       

    2) 2 nights hotel( check in 9/12, check out 9/14)                    3)interpretation

    * You must participate business meetings on 9/13 full day)


     KOTRA is always here to support your company in initiating and continuing the best business relationships with Korean companies.  For detailed show information & registration,  please  call  at Bryan Cho(212-826-0900 ext. 255   or  email with   I hope you will take this great opportunity to meet with the finest manufacturers in Korea!

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